Gifts to Remember, to Honor, to Thank
There are several ways to acknowledge someone special in your life through a donation to All Saints Health Foundation. Please contact the Foundation office at 817-922-7707 or by email We are happy to assist you.
Gifts to remember
You can give in memory on the passing of or in commemoration of a deceased loved one. You can also request that donations be made in memory to All Saints Health Foundation in lieu of flowers. Your funeral home can assist you to ensure your wishes are followed.
Gifts to honor
You can make a donation to commemorate a special occasion such as a birth, birthday, anniversary, graduation, wedding, holiday or any other important event. This can be a very special way to thank friends and family.
Gifts to thank
If a recent hospital experience was made a little easier because of the special attention someone gave to you, you may want to acknowledge that person. You can show your gratitude to an individual, a doctor or healthcare provider with a donation in their name.
Yes! I would like to make a tribute gift!